Friday, June 27, 2008

Yukata Matsuri

We returned from our island vacation Sunday around 1:45pm My friend Miho came over at 2:30 to help us put on our yukatas. We were headed to the Yukata Matsuri in downtown Himeji.

One of my classes at Shogai purchased my yukata for me as a going away present.

Mitch got his at a welcome party we went to last September
Mitch, Miho, RJ, Sara and Akiko all dressed up and ready to go
If you wore your yukata on the city bus you only pay 1/2 fare...maybe we will wear everyday

The same day, if you were wearing a yukata you could go into the Koko-en garden for free, so we stopped for a few poses
Rob, Lyn and RJ
Heather, Sophie, Mitch, Eiko, Sue (our dentist here in Japan) and Chiaki

the back side of Sara and Akiko
The happy Hammes Family
Miho, Akiko and us on the bridge in Koko-en
Miho and Akiko
Sara, RJ and Akiko waiting patiently for pictures to begin

We met up with several people form Shirasagi to have a group photo taken in front of Himeji castle. When it started to rain, we ducked under the main gate. Sara posed for us with these 2 cute Japanese girls in their yukatas.

more of the groupMiho's shoes. These are gettas, the typical shoe to wear with your kimono or yukata

Akiko- beautiful smile!
Sara was a bit tired and restless, so Daddy did a great job of entertaining her....

More of the group waiting out the rain

This is one of RJ's friends from school.
So I bribed RJ with ice cream if he kept smiling and being happy through all the pictures. Every time we would take a picture with the group, he would ask, "Can we have ice cream now?" He was so good...
And then the real smiles came out!

And so did the paparazzi

It was a bit ridiculous how many people wanted to take RJ and Sara's pictures while they were eating ice cream
One of the camera men took Miho that they were shooting for a photo competition.
Sara and Akiko (Sara loves to hold Akiko's hand)
Some of the beautiful fashions

Even though it was raining, we had a great time.
On Monday at school, RJ was asked to go to the Yukata Matsuri AGAIN with his friend Kimi. They had a blast!

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