Monday, June 02, 2008

The Circus is in Town

On Friday, the Chinese Circus came to Himeji High School. All of the students attended the show which meant the teachers were also able to watch. It was great! I took some videos. I hope you enjoy

1st act was a dancing lion. I thought he acted more like a dog (chasing his tail and stuff, but I was told he was a lion). In case you are not sure, 2 people are under the costume. (captions are below the video)

This is him dancing and running around on stage

The students seemed to like his winking/blinking eyes.

The Chinese dragons like to bite the members of the audience. If this lion bites your head, you will become smart and pass your exams.

The next act was with these 4 ladies and these string tricks they do. The thing on the string looks like 2 cones (pointed ends together). It rolls on the string and sometime they make it fly.

More daring by the ladies with the strings

I though this was crazy

Then the show turned calm for a little while. We were able to listen to some great music.

They are playing the school song. The students and teachers starting singing along.

After they finished playing, they moved back and provided the background music for this act

These ladies are balancing and spinning 4 plates on sticks in each hand .

This guys is balancing a balloon on a sword that he has in his mouth. On top of the balloon is 3 layers of glass glasses (maybe champagne glasses). No strings, no tape, just balancing!

This video and the next are a segway to the next act.

One of the high school students trying to throw the hat onto his head

ever tried to ride one of these things?

So this lead from throwing the hat on the head. She is flipping one bowl from her foot to her head.

now two bowls at the same time

This is a pottery pot. Pretty heavy to be bouncing off your head and shoulders if you ask me.

This is an even bigger pot.

The final act!!

Just so you can see that he starts with nothing.

2nd and 3rd chairs are added.

The last chair to be handed to him rock the stand before he goes up.

then he makes the top chair crooked

Then he makes himself lay down while balancing on one hand on top.

This last act was very nerve racking. There were no ropes that he was attached too. It was amazing and heart stopping to watch him continue to add a chair and then do other tricks once he was at the top of the 6th chair.

The students all seemed to enjoy the show!

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