Thursday, July 24, 2008

Himeji High Sports Day

September 17, 2007

I know that this blog is long over due.
Back in September all the local schools had Sports Day. It is somewhat similar to Field Day in the elementary schools back home, but on a much grander scale. And at my high school the decorations are just as important as the events.

Every thing took place on the open field behind the school building.

Each class made a class decoration. This is what the field looked like when I arrived at school at 8:20am 1st graders

more 1st graders

the band playing the opening song

All of the classes marched out on to the field together

3rd graders decorations - all of them become more 3-D

2nd graders decorations

The 2nd graders pretty much ran the show. The started all of the races, kept track of them and announced the winners.

more 2nd graders

yes, that Spiderman is 3-D

The kids came inside the teachers works room to see where mommy worked.

The middle one is Harry Potter

Then the students got into costumes for the judging.

my favorite one was the castle. The students dressed up as Disney characters, but the boys were the princesses! It was great!!

Mr. Ayukawa and Sara (last September).

After lunch the students came out with their clubs

Kendo club

RJ was excited to find Thomas

Class jump roping contest (there are about 30-40 students jumping rope all together)

I took this picture for my mom. It is the big guy from Harry Potter (Hagrid?).

I know that there were a lot of pictures for this post (hence why I never finished the blog until now) but I wanted you to see the progression of the decorations. It was a fun (and hot) day. The students prepare all summer long with their classes and clubs. Their parents are invited to come watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do the second graders look like junior highers?