Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May's 12 on 12

Ok, so I am a bit late...but here is this month's edition of 12 in 12. It has become harder to find things to share. Everything here seems normal so I am not sure what is out of the ordinary for all of you back home in the states. This month focuses on English in Japan...(remember to click on the image to see it larger if you need to)

We saw this restaurant while in Okayama last month (I know I still need to post those pictures. I was hoping to wait and see what Mitch blogged about so you didn't have to see the same pictures twice, but he seems busy this month, so I will get on it this week)
Da Bra slow food slow life. Not sure if anyone in America would go someplace where they advertise slow food.
Another stop in Okayama..the parking garage.

Anyone need a ticket from the "ticket spitter" I guess they have heard us call it a ticket spitter (the machine that spits the parking ticket out) that is why they labeled it that way.

Hysteric Panic - this store is next to The Mall. Whenever we go to yakiniku for dinner, we see this. I finally took a picture for you.
Cocopelie (I think they meant Kokopelli) It is a hair salon.
merry haha - this is one for me..I love finding my name all over Japan without Christmas next to it!

Comfortabul Space - got to love their spelling...I don't ever want to hear anyone complain about my spelling (or lack there of) again.
I thought my dad would get a kick out of this one. This was right outside a steak house in Kobe, Japan. Kobe beef is suppose to be very good. It is a bit too pricey for us to try.

Another one for me - merry drop. This was a sticker display in a craft store
There were several of these signs along the street while we were in Kobe this past weekend.
Mitch thought the sign meant Shoe CreaM, but I believe it is suppose to say Shoe CLean. They often mix up R and L in words because they have a hard time hearing the difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are a hoot! Do you know what the Merry Ha Ha is?