Monday, March 10, 2008

Play Museum (Child's Play Part III)

Sunday March 9th

Our last stop for the day was another play area. Miho wasn't sure how to explain it to us, but there was a lay area for the kids. When I was in the elevator, I noticed that there were guest rooms, and bath (onsen) and some meeting rooms on the building map. I am wondering if it is some kind of hotel.

First order of business, table tennis. RJ tired out quickly, so Mitch jumped in for a few games with Akiko.

Then Miho decided she wanted to play against Mitch. I don't know who won, but it sounded like they had a great time. Thanks Akiko for keeping score!

Mitch was so excited when he saw this contraption. I guess he saw one once in a magazine and has always wanted to try one. I think he would have started here all day if we had let him.

Miho's turn on the back stretcher.

Sara figured the dishes needed to be washed since when we arrived someone else was already "eating" at the table.

No matter what country we are in, RJ is always looking for a kitchen to work in. I am already asking if I can be his first customer when he opens up his world famous restaurant in downtown Phoenix. Anyone else want to get on the VIP list?

I am amazed at how children become whomever they are prewired to be. Sara loves to play dolls (baby) and have tea parties. We all know that she didn't learn that from me. But it sure warms my heart when she brings me her baby and asks me to wrap baby up for her.

Miho wanted to learn how to juggle, so I was trying to teach her. She decided she wanted to take my picture since I took hers earlier.

Mitch did a pretty good job at juggling too. I think he is starting to enjoy all this free time he has.

Thanks Miho and Akiko for a great day!!

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