Friday, March 21, 2008

Konami Swim Club

February 26, 2008

Last month I asked one of my co-teachers if she happened to know anything about swim lessons here in Himeji for children. She quickly told me she would see what she could find. Before I knew it, she brought me some information about a swim club at a local sports club, Konami. WE went over the prices and Mitch and I quickly agreed it was just too expensive. When I talked with Keiko again about it, she told me Konami was having an open day and it would only cost 500yen (about $5) for each kid to try it out. So we signed Mitch and the kids up and off they went. (I went along to take photos)

Before the children go to the water, they have warm up stretching and exercise.

Daddy helped Sara do her exercises.

The swim teacher helped RJ (Yes, my children were the only 2 there that day, what a great opportunity for them!)

Not sure what this does for warming up, but RJ and Sara really liked it

Notice the blue thing on RJ's back? that is a floating device to help him keep his butt up when he is trying to swim.
They all started together by warming up in the pool. RJ is standing on red risers that are under water.
RJ's coach teaching him how to put his face in the water. I was so proud of RJ. He did everything he was asked to do and never once cried or got nervous.

This is RJ kicking his legs.

Here is Sara learning how to blow bubbles in the water. Yes, she had 3 coaches (Daddy, Keiko and the swim coach)

I always enjoy the baby classes because they get to spend a lot of time just playing in the water.

This is RJ showing off his new skill - Blowing water out of an elephant's trunk. The bad part of this exercise is that he and Sara have a very similar elephant at home in the bath tub...yes I am sure you are seeing where this story is going....

RJ was very proud to show his sister how to swim without daddy helping her.

Then both kids got to get on this large floating raft like thing. They were able to practice their kicking on it.

Sara loved every minute of it!! I took a lot of pictures on the raft, so be thankful I only posted 4...

RJ showing off the goggles Keiko let him borrow.

RJ asked me to take his picture while he jumped into the pool, all by himself I might add!!

After class was over, they were invited to sit in the 'bath'

RJ liked it because it was warm.

This was (almost) everyone there that day: Mitch, Sara. her coach, Keiko & RJ
RJ and his coach. He loved every minute of class!!!

Afterward, they all showered together.

Sara thought it was cool that it came out of the wall.
After the showers, RJ went with daddy to get dressed and I got Sara dressed. While we were waiting for Keiko, Sara decided to climb into one of the lockers.

I couldn't resist taking those photos as they reminded me of the time RJ climbed into our dresser. He was about the same age...I guess the 2 of them really are related!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Those are great pics of Sara climbing into the locker. Has RJ learned how to climb up the door jamb yet? Abby, 5, just learned how to do that.

I'm so glad you could take them for swim lessons, it's important they learn when they're young.