Friday, April 04, 2008

Himeji City Zoo

During my winter break, Miss. Sara invited RJ and I to go with her to the Himeji City Zoo. I have taken and posted a lot of pictures from this day not because I don't think you know what these animals look like, but to show you the conditions in which they are living in here in a city zoo.

***If you are reading this blog to a youngster, you might just want to point out the different animals and maybe skip some of my comments and reread this blog later. I am not going to get very detailed but I will be pointing out a few things.***

RJ and Miss. Sara in front of the zoo ready to go in and see all the animals.

This is the map of the zoo. RJ asked that I include it for your viewing pleasure.

This is the cage for the pink Flamingos. I don't know why they are so enclosed. Maybe they think it is less 'damaging' for them to be in tight quarters than clip their wings so they don't fly away.

This is the wallaby cage. I guess they didn't have room for a kangaroo cage as they are bigger animals. This is all of it. You can see the right fence and the left fence.

This is the sea lions exhibit. It was actually twice this size, but it was split in half because there are 2 sea lions and they are not together.

The giraffe area. It was about twice this size, but I only took this picture because I find it funny when animals chew on their cages.

This building has 3 different enclosures. The first one is for the tiger. I did not take a picture of the tiger because I was so sad and sickened at what I saw I just couldn't do it. He is so stressed in his cage, he has chewed the fur off of the tip of his tail.

The middle section of this building was empty, but the last section housed 2 brown bears.

They weren't very active and I can imagine why...what would they do in there???

Now this is a funny story. I asked RJ to go stand by these animals (similar to ring tailed monkeys I think) so I could take a picture. As he was standing there (the first time), the animals went crazy and started screaming. RJ of course freaked out and ran back over to us screaming himself and almost in tears. I did feel bad for him, but it was funny. He finally ventured back over for the picture and the animals were quiet for a brief moment.

Another large animal in a small enclosure. Did you know that the elephant is the only mammal (besides humans) that do not have their mammary glands by their back feet?? Thanks Sara for that piece of trivia.

On to the petting zoo

RJ was so excited when he saw the guinea pigs. You see, his friends Marisa, Jacqy and Franky in Tucson have guinea pigs and he loves to play with them. So he had no problems going into the area and picking one right up.

His new friend

RJ wasn't too sure about the sheep but he did get close enough to pet one.

This is a tanuki, an Asian animal that is deemed to be very important in Japanese culture. Translation is a raccoon dog.

This is the polar bear enclosure. This is it. And there are 2 of them in there and half of it is water.

Himeji-jo from the zoo

These cockroaches had more freedom than any animal in the zoo.

I took this picture for 2 reasons. 1) I don't think I have ever been this close to a hippo before (aren't they a bit dangerous?) and 2) to try to understand why my friend Richelle liked them so much when we were young...I still don't get it....

Are they really that cute, Richelle?

I don't even remember what animal is in here (maybe a gorilla). I posted this picture so you could see how small the cage slats are that we are suppose to look through.

Another small enclosure for many different animals.

This is a traditional flower arrangement for the new year. You could see 2 of these at the entrance to most places in December/January.

I hope you enjoyed the tour of Himeji City Zoo. I thought it was incredibly sad that these animals have to live this way.

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