Thursday, April 03, 2008

花見 and 桜 (Hanami and Sakura)

Spring in Japan is BEAUTIFUL!! I guess enduring the cold winter was worth it to see all of the wonderful colors of spring.

The cherry tree is the unofficial tree of Japan and it only blooms for about 2 weeks in late March-early May. Here in Himeji, the blooms started to appear earlier this week. Having a Hanami is very popular activity. A hanami is when you picnic under or near cheery blossoms ( The English classes decided to have a hanami on Wednesday. Mitch and I also took some pictures on Tuesday, but I included them all in one blog.

Our hanami group. There were about 25 English students and maybe 15 teachers.

Mitch prepared our bento for the hanami. My Japanese friends were very surprised and excited to see his bento. They all like to remind me how lucky I am to have such a wonderful husband.

Mitch found this Sakura Mist drink for me. It was carbonated cherry soda...not bad.

Some cherry blossoms along the river on our bike ride to the castle.
A beautiful and large cherry tree behind the castle.
This guy was drawing a picture of the sakura.

Mitch posing for me by Koko-en and more cherry blossoms.
Himeji-jo and sakura.
a close up of the cherry blossoms. I think it is interesting that when up close the flowers appear to be white, but from a distance they look pink. Some have described the blooms as looking like fluffy clouds.
More of Himeji-jo and sakura

We met this man while walking around Himeji-jo. He just walked up top us and said hello (in English). Then we had a nice 10 min conversation with him and his life. He was born in Himeji but has only lived here the last 37 years (he is 77 yrs young). I can't remember his job, but he loves to travel and learn English. After he walked away, I asked Mitch how he knew him and he said he didn't. It was quite fun to have a chat with a perfect stranger.
more Himeji-jo and sakura
Merry and sakura
more sakura along the river on our way home.
Sara, Merry and sakura after our hanami.
I might post more after this weekend. The annual Cherry Blossom Festival will take place on Saturday and we will take a bento and have hanami with RJ and Sara. Hope you enjoyed the beautiful spring blossoms.

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