Friday, January 04, 2008

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

Hello to everyone. I hope all of you had a great Christmas and a wonderful start to a great New Year! I'd like to start this blog by saying a big THANK YOU to all of those who sent us Christmas Cards this year. I have never been so excited as this year to receive Christmas cards. To know that we were still in your thoughts this holiday season even though we are many miles away really made us feel special. THANK YOU!! (and yes that was a guilt trip for those of you who didn't send us cards :-) )

Our Christmas was very different this year. The kids really made it feel like Christmas. I ended up sleeping out in the living room with RJ cause Sara took my spot on my bed. I was so glad I was there when RJ woke up. You see he was so excited to go to sleep on Christmas Eve. He couldn't wait for Santa to come and he knew he must sleep before he would come. Well, Sara had other plans. She sensed that something big was happening so she had a hard time going to sleep. But RJ laid in his bed with his eyes closed real tight so that he could fall asleep. Mitch had to lay with Sara for a while and Mitch asked RJ if he was ok (since his eyes were closed so tight). "I need to go to sleep Daddy so Santa will come." It was very cute.

When RJ woke up he quietly woke me up "Mommy, Mommy, Santa Came!!" It was great! I said "What should we do?" "Open the presents" was his response. I asked him if anyone was missing from the room and realised we needed Sara and Daddy so he quietly went into the bedroom to wake them up. Sara DID NOT want to get up. But seeing how it was almost 7am, she needed to get up.

The kids had a blast opening their presents. I decided to capture their excitement on videos. I hope you enjoy.

Santa Came

Thanks Aunt Tracy!

Thanks Nathan!!! Sorry that the video is sideways. Next time I will not turn the camera.

This was Sara's favorite gift of the day. Thanks Nathan and Cheryl.

Thanks Grandma Pat!!

Later Christmas day, another package arrived in the mail (It was not a holiday here so mail was delivered that day). A box from Aunt Annie and Uncle Dennis all the way from North Carolina. A book for RJ and 3 bears for Sara. I had to capture Sara's excitement on video. I hope you enjoy.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

OMG. Sara is so precious! And she knows just how to take care of her little kittens. Way too cute!