Monday, February 04, 2008


In our home, any package is welcome, but to receive a package completely by surprise is awesome.

When I arrived home on Friday from school, I planned to head upstairs and get ready for an evening out with Mitch at a party for all the English teachers in our building. What I wasn't expecting to do was open a package from Rosa Leigh and Mike!!!

RJ and Sara immediately wanted to know who it was for and I told them it was theirs. They of course wanted to open it right away, which we did. RJ was so excited to see all the different shapes of Macaroni and Cheese. I wish I had the video on for you. "Wow, Spiderman...Cool SpongeBob....Look Mom, Shrek!" Sara was most interested in the big red hearts (they were filled with Skittles).

I decided we needed a picture so everyone could see what was in the box. I was amazed at how excited RJ still was even a few minutes after the box was open.

It took SEVERAL pictures to get him calmed down, which of course meant Sara wouldn't look at the camera either.

There we go...2 nice looking kids looking at the camera.

After all was said and done and the boxes of M&C were put away, RJ found something else from the box to enjoy...bubble wrap. I think it is still as much fun now as it was when I was a kid.

Thanks Rosa Leigh and the kids can have fun lunches with Daddy!!

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